Studiare con Opera studio XXL
OPERA Studio XXL is in effect an academy that prepares singers to face the profession of artist both from the vocal point of view - and therefore with the preparation of opera roles - both in the context of promotion of oneself and one's profession.
Opera Studio XXL works specifically on Italian roles and operas addressing the great repertoire and the executive tradition of Puccini, Verdi, Rossini, Donizetti, Cimarosa, and many others, from interludes, to funny and dramatic repertoires passing through tradition and innovation. .
Two types of Opera studio: one all online and one partially online and partially in person. The two proposals differ especially in the final part, as the second, in spite of the first, foresees a work in presence with our Masters in one of the classical Italian theaters with the possibility of being part of the staging of an opera.
OPERA studio XXL online
Opera studio intensive course entirely online for 3 months .
Lyric singing lessons, repertoire study, masters with internationally renowned teachers, and also an approach to the new frontiers of opera singing: career workshops, psychophysical vocal well-being, self-promotion, social management.
How to approach the performance: opera, auditions, concerts.
How to promote yourself in the world of culture: videos, recordings, promotions: agencies, curriculum, booking.
Lezioni individuali
canto in presenza
24 Lezioni personalizzate
Materie complementari
lezioni settimanali di pianoforte complementare e air training, arte scenica
Incontri e lezioni con i docenti di METALIRICA.
Studio di Portfolio, yoga per cantanti, metodo gyrokinesis, etc.
3 master di canto con docenti di dichiarata fama
Esibizione in Concerti, opere e spettacoli dell'Accademia.
OPERA studio XXL online - presence
Opera study 2 months on line and 1 week intensive course in the presence.
Lyric singing lessons, repertoire study, masters with internationally renowned teachers, and also an approach to the new frontiers of opera singing: career workshops, psychophysical vocal well-being, self-promotion, social management.
How to approach the performance: opera, auditions, concerts.
How to promote yourself in the world of culture: videos, recordings, promotions: agencies, curriculum, booking.
Realization of an opera in one of the classic Italian theaters.
Lezioni individuali
on line di canto
8 Lezioni personalizzate
4 master di canto con docenti di dichiarata fama
Incontri e lezioni con i docenti di METALIRICA.
Studio di Portfolio, yoga per cantanti, metodo gyrokinesis, etc.
Messa in scena di un'opera in un Teatro Italiano. Opera 2024 Elisir d'amore

Concerti e spettacoli con gli studenti dell'accademia
Concerti, opere, lezioni concerto.
Ogni partecipante dell'accademia verrà coinvolto nella realizzazione di spettacoli

Lezioni in presenza e
on line
Le lezioni si svolgeranno settimanalmente e continuativamente con la possibilità di scegliere se effettuarle on line o in presenza